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September 18, 2014
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
Sept 18th, 2014
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees: Sheila Dubman, Joyce Anderson, Matt Lindberg, Joe Lee and Mickey Splaine

Minutes were waived from the August meeting.

Sheila reported that a $200 royalty check was received from Arcadia Press (formerly History Press) by PHC for book.

Sand to Meetinghouse Cemetery
Joe Lee had sand delivered to Meetinghouse Cemetery for the repair and resetting of the gravestones.

Hidden Treasures Freedom’s Way
We need to nominate a ‘Hidden Treasure’ for Freedom’s Way heritage area.
Redemption Rock was chosen with Mechanics Hall being a close contender.
Sheila will notify the group.

Vaults at Meeting House Cemetery
Bones were found in one vault.
Joyce spoke with Ed Bell (MHC) and he suggested also contacting Paul Holtz at MHC
Ed Bell suggested that we be certain the vault is safe and secure. They won’t test the bones and suggested we simply leave them in place and the may be a possible grant available for the tombs?
The group suggested contacting TaMara Conde for guidance, agreed that this should not be our expense and that the Town should investigate the stability of the vaults.
Do we have an archeologist in Princeton? Joyce suggested Rhys Townsend. Sheila will contact.

Town Common
Sheila suggested we consult the DCR Terra Firma bulletin for suggestions.
Look at the ‘Period of significance’.
‘Freeze’ things as they are now? Restore to previous?
Town Common was not specifically discussed in the master plan.
Joyce suggested keeping Town Common the way it is, and adding nothing more.
We  should define the common area , speak with the library trustees and check old maps.
Sheila asked that all members submit their ideas for the town common ‘rules and guidelines’.
Should we act as an advisory council for future requests?

House Plaque Program
Last house plaque invoice was for $ 62.
Possible kick-off workshop for home owners (seminar in researching house histories preparation for house plaque purchases).
Boylston Manor and Farmhouse
Joyce asked help from the Commission to compose a letter to the two families who will be part of the newly proposed NHR district for 73 and 83 Worcester Road.
When the plaques were made for these two properties Joyce included a letter and info on NHR listing but neither party responded.
The nomination will cost $3,000 and will be written by Anne Forbes. We decided that homeowners will help defray the cost of the nomination and that no single property would be funded entirely by the PHC for inclusion in the NHR.

Joyce raised the question as to what will happen to the fiberglass poles in town?
Sheila will submit a letter to the light commission.
Next meeting: tentatively set for 10/16

Respectfully submitted,                 
Mickey Splaine and Joyce Anderson